A person pushing an older woman in a wheelchair

Health and Welfare Affairs LPA

18th September 2023

Who can enter a Health and Welfare Affairs LPA?

Health and Welfare Affairs Lasting Powers of Attorney are for anyone over the age of 18 who has the mental ability to make medical, property and financial decisions for themselves can arrange for someone else to make these decisions in the future.

The person assigning someone to make decisions for them in the future becomes the ‘donor’ and the person who is being granted this power is known as the ‘attorney’.

It’s worth noting that the Health and Welfare Affairs LPA can only be used if you are in a position where you can no longer make these decisions.

A couple holding hands

So, what’s in the Health and Welfare Affairs LPA?

  1. Medical Treatment

    The attorney has authority to make decisions regarding the donor’s healthcare and medical treatment. Choices such as treatments, medications, interventions, or surgeries. Medical professionals will work with the attorney to make informed decisions in line with the donor’s preferences and best interests in mind.

  2. Care and Accommodation

    Decisions regarding the donor’s living arrangements and care needs can be made by the attorney. Choices such as selecting a care home, home care options or assisted living facilities. The attorney ensures that the donor’s care services and living conditions are appropriate.

  3. Life-sustaining Treatment

    LPA’s can specify whether the attorney has the authority to make decisions regarding life-sustaining treatment. If included, these can cover interventions that may prolong the donor’s life in the event of a life-threatening condition.

  4. Personal Welfare

    Choices about the donor’s diet, daily routine, lifestyle, and wellbeing will fit into this category. Decisions are made by the attorney with the donor’s values and preferences in mind.

  5. End of life care

    LPA’s can also specify what the donor’s wishes are regarding their final moments. Decisions can cover hospice care, pain management and organ donation as examples.

  6. Social and recreational activities

    The donor can state their preferences for taking part in activities that promote their mental and physical wellbeing.

Health and Welfare Affairs at Burtons

Our team at Burtons can help ensure that your Lasting Power of Attorney wishes are honoured and set up correctly.

If you would like our help setting up an LPA, fill out our online contact form here and a team member will be in touch shortly.