Chris Roberts
March 13, 2019

Conveyancing: Communication is Key

Communication and Conveyancing

Step back in time 30 years and you may not be surprised to hear that the conveyancing process routinely took up to six months to complete. Whilst the law has not changed much since that time, the way communication occurs has. Letters became faxes and faxes became e-mails. Documents can now be scanned in a few minutes instead of taking days to arrive by post.

All firms have the ability to use modern tools, many do not take full advantage of them. As a client will you be updated swiftly as your matter progresses, or will you have to pick up the phone or send a carrier pigeon to chase your solicitor time and time again?

When you look for a firm to assist you, you probably ask yourself a couple of questions:-

  • Is the firm good value for money?
  • Do they know what they are doing?

It is time to add a third question:-

  • Will the firm I choose communicate efficiently with me?

Burtons Solicitors are a forward-thinking firm and we strive to keep ourselves proactive rather than reactive. To this end we have embraced a new tool, Perfect Portal. Perfect Portal is an online communication system to enable us to provide you with real time information on how your conveyancing is progressing.

Upon instructing us you will be provided with login details that you can use 24/7 and see exactly what stage your transaction has reached.  You will be able to know all the things that you do not normally hear about:-

  • Have we received the estate agent’s memorandum of sale? We will tell you.
  • Have we received the contract papers from your seller? We will tell you.
  • What date do we expect your search results? We will tell you.

Perfect Portal does not replace the personal touch we give to all our clients, we are still here to answer any questions you may have about your transaction. But if you pick up the phone to call us, it will be because you want to, not because you feel you have to.

Conveyancing with Burtons

We provide a free, no-obligation quote online so you can see whether we’re the right Conveyancers for you. With no strings attached. Find our online quotation form here.

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